UK Adviser Q2 2021 Review

In the market review and portfolio update for Q2 of 2021, Temple Row has asked the investment manager at Russell Investments, Stephen Doran, for the highlights of what we need to know.
Sustainable Finance and the Future of ‘Green Banking’

The world of banking has changed a lot in the past 10-15 years. Words such as sustainability and green banking lead the ever growing list of requests from consumers.
International Investments

What are the ways we can help you reduce your exposure to risks using diversification?
Growth vs. Value

Have a look at this article to know a bit more about the ongoing discussion on growth vs. value and the forecast for 2021.
Russell Investments Outlook for Q1 2021

Watch the Market Review and Portfolio update by Stephen Doran, Client Portfolio Manager at Russell Investments.
What do bread-making and investing have in common?

In this article, Russell Investments tells us about the similarities between bread-making and investments. Curious? Find out more here.
Using Themes to Invest with your Head, not Heart

Whether it comes to Covid or a sticky election, people do not like uncertainty. There will always be an issue somewhere in the world that either buoys or drags down investments. Read more here.
Temple Row Clients Ask the Analyst

Bart and the team recently submitted your most pressing questions to the analyst team at Russell Investments. Read more here.
What is a Stocks and Shares ISA?

Find out more about ISAs and the multiple benefits you could add to your investment portfolio.