October 2021 Budget

Last week, Rishi Sunak outlined his budget. Along with the Spring Budget and the “mini-budget” of the dividend tax and National Insurance increases, we now know what the next little while looks like for investors.
Cryptocurrency crash, bang or boom?

Crypto is receiving hype about it being the ‘next currency’. It is exciting in so many ways and many view it as a shift from the traditional seats of power as it creates a unified trading language. Click here to read our thoughts.
What does ESG mean when investing?

Social and environmental change is happening faster than ever. On this occasion, we would like to share with you some of the different approaches to ESG factors.
International Investments

What are the ways we can help you reduce your exposure to risks using diversification?
Growth vs. Value

Have a look at this article to know a bit more about the ongoing discussion on growth vs. value and the forecast for 2021.
Does financial advice really make a difference?

How many times do we ask ourselves the question “would financial advice really make any difference?”. Today, we would like to answer that question for you; YES, it does.
Where next for investors?

The article summarises the principal events starring the scenes around the world and how important it is to think about the next steps to take when investing. Join us for a couple of minutes reading this article.
Investors vs. Savers

In his blog “Life after full-time work” Don Ezra, former Director of Russell Investments and extensive researcher and writer on the financial market, presents the idea that Low Interest Rates are actually a Tax on Savers.