Bonds you can depend on

Our family have been working with Bart for many years since we decided to sell our small business and invest the profits. The planning and growth that Bart and the team have guided us through has enabled our family to now pay nearly no inheritance tax. Even more importantly, we have now established a charitable […]
Asking better questions

Mike runs a performance coaching organisation involved in a lot of talent management, working with professional businesses and helping them be memorable for the right reasons. His efforts make the biggest impact when his clients stand up and speak, when they communicate with their teams and their staff so they achieve more, and are more productive. […]
Open, honest and profitable

Sarah runs an organisation called Good Companion that provides companionship services to the elderly. Specifically, adults who are in the sandwich generation – 40 to 60 years old with dependent children who are gradually becoming dependent parents themselves, who they don’t see all of the time. These adults, these elderly people need contact with others. […]
Working for growth

One of the things we always ask our clients to consider is the kind of lives they want to lead when they retire, and the legacy they want their wealth to create. Tom is one of our clients who has seen the impact of effective wealth management and how it allowed him to pursue one […]