Premier Wealth Management based in the UK

Open, honest and profitable

Sarah P

Sarah runs an organisation called Good Companion that provides companionship services to the elderly. Specifically, adults who are in the sandwich generation – 40 to 60 years old with dependent children who are gradually becoming dependent parents themselves, who they don’t see all of the time. These adults, these elderly people need contact with others. The organisation doesn’t overlap with work that is done by the care providers through the NHS and other resources.

Instead, Good Companion provides everything from helping with the shopping to re-potting some plants, the Christmas card list, taking them to the doctors to pick up prescriptions. Just basic human contact, enabling people to be brilliant and not alone or isolated.

Sarah describes it as a hugely rewarding organisation, which is growing nicely. “As times are changing more people are becoming more community minded and therefore making a bit of a difference.”

Their approach has been very open, honest and profitable which is naturally what you are looking for from wealth managers. They do the analysis and the managing, so we don’t have to and are freed up to follow our passions and pursuits worry free – and it works!
Sarah P

Sarah continues: “Proactive wealth management is the difference between not knowing what you might have available in the future and being fully supported and challenged as you build your financial foundations to enable the life you want to lead. Prior to working with Bart and the team we did not have this level of support.”


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